Change Management Partnership

The Challenge

The main challenge identified by the business was that the Leadership team were so stretched with the day-to-day activities of running a multi-million pound operation that they did not have the time nor the capacity to focus on the strategic element of the business. Key tasks were slipping, KPI’s were heading in the wrong direction and the management team felt out of control.

Although successful, with over 80 years' experience in their field, they were able to identify that competition was not only a threat to existing business, but it was also restricting the natural growth of business that they had previously experienced. They were able to admit that there were a number of skill gaps evident within their team, and experience of Operational Excellence, Lean Methodologies and Continuous Improvement were lacking.  Recruitment for such a position would be difficult due not only to the lack of subject knowledge of the interviewers and the length of time spent in recruitment, but also the risk of selecting the wrong candidate and the ongoing costs of employing such a position.

The Approach

The business made the decision to embarked on BTA's Change Management Partnership, initially for 5 days per month which would allow a focused deep dive into their current processes and systems to identify immediate rapid change improvements. This on-site support was reduced from 5 to 3 days after the first 3 months as the business stabilised.

The Result

Feedback from our Client:

“We hadn’t realised how overwhelmed we had become as we were fire-fighting our way daily through every challenge we faced. Recognising that it is ok to seek outside expertise allowed us to be able to breathe knowing we had additional resources on hand, that understood business and more importantly manufacturing that could step in and guide us. BTA have a pool of resources they can tap into that meant through the partnership we worked with a number of experts whilst the still maintaining contact with Kim and Colin”. SG General Manager 

“BTA became an extension to our team and worked well with both management and shop floor personnel, we felt safe in their hands and their coaching style ensured that they were developing our skills at the same time. They don’t just tell you what needs to be done, they coach and support you to implement change into your business so it feels like a natural progression on the journey”. MC Production Manager

“Key takeaways for myself and the team was the introduction to Hoshin Kanri and how this linked in to so much of what we were actually struggling with. This was also critical in the management of our ISO9001:2015 accreditation. We were able to communicate our strategic intent to the workforce and key metrics are now displayed in the work area ensuring that everyone in the business can see the impact on the business of the improvements being made. Regular update meetings are also held with the employees giving them a chance to ask questions and suggest improvements, something that had never been considered in the past”. AP Quality Manager

“The benefits of working under Change Management Partnership have been recognised right across the business and the ROI can be demonstrated in both tangible and intangible form. I would highly recommend this approach to any organisation that wants or needs to change, that needs support but doesn’t know quite what they need! Be brave enough to seek out that help externally – you won’t regret it”. OG Finance Manager

“The Hoshin Kanri process led us nicely into supporting the Management of the standards, a review was made of the quality management manual and how the business demonstrates adherence to it. Areas for improvement were identified, as well as introducing templates and meeting agenda to capture relevant information. Audit calendars and templates for audits were introduced to support the business by breaking the process down into smaller manageable tasks. The annual audit would creep up on us every year and despite always working within our processes, our system to manage this had not been as robust as it is now”. BC Quality Engineer

“BTA’s approach, coaching and support were invaluable in helping us understand and navigate a challenging situation. Kim and Colin provided personalised guidance, offered practical solutions, and empowered us to take ownership of our own problem-solving. Their expertise was evident throughout the process, and their positive energy and encouragement were contagious. As a union shop steward, I appreciate BTA’s understanding of our members needs and concerns, and their ability to adapt their approach to meet those specific requirements. Overall, speaking for all members, the experience was incredibly beneficial, and I would highly recommend BTA to any organisation looking for expert guidance and support to improve their manufacturing performance." MH Shop Steward

"I really appreciated the support I received from Kim and Colin, they took the time to understand my problems and issues with the process. Their expertise was impressive, they were able to identify areas where we could improve efficiency and reduce waste. I felt empowered to take ownership of my work and make positive changes. Overall, I'm grateful for the experience and I hope BTA will continue to work here for a long time.” PD Production Operator

CMP continues with this client and has now been introduced on 2 other manufacturing sites in the organisation, as a result of the performance improvements and the employee feedback reported at corporate level.